What is UM coverage?
UM stands for underinsured or uninsured motorist coverage. This is coverage you can buy through your own insurance carrier. UM protects you in the event you are injured due to the negligence of a driver who is either completely uninsured or underinsured.
Situations where UM coverage is used
Example 1: You are hit by a drunk driver with no insurance. Your own UM coverage would step in the place of the at-fault driver’s insurance and pay your damages up to the policy limits.
Example 2: You are seriously injured by an at-fault driver who only purchased minimum limits bodily injury liability coverage ($25,000). If your medical bills exceed $25,000 you will need the protection of your own UM coverage to help pay your damages.
Two Flavors of Georgia UM: Georgia law allows for drivers to choose between “add on” or “reduced by” UM. Add-on coverage adds additional money beyond the at-fault driver’s bodily injury liability coverage. Reduced by UM coverage has policy limits that are reduced by the amount of policy limits on the at-fault driver’s bodily injury liability policy.
Example 3: You are injured in a car wreck. The at-fault driver has only $25,000 in bodily injury limits. If you have $25,000 in “reduced by” coverage the total insurance available is only $25,000. If you have $25,000 of “add on” the total amount of available insurance will be $50,000.
Take home a message on Georgia UM: You need to buy it. UM protects you from the terrible situation where you are badly injured by an underinsured driver whose coverage is often not even enough to pay your emergency room bill. UM is relatively cheap. Buy some today to protect yourself and your family.
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- When is the best time to file a claim?
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