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Atlanta industrial accident lawyer

Atlanta is a hotspot for major industrial plants, from Coca-Cola to Siemens and General Motors. But industrial accidents don’t just happen at Fortune 500 companies – an industrial workplace injury can happen at a small business or government facility.

Were you injured while working your industrial job? Maybe your employer or foreman was careless or negligent. In that case, you’re eligible to file a suit for compensation – and an Atlanta industrial accident lawyer from Harrison Injury Law can help you get the maximum settlement!

Don’t delay – contact us today at (404) 796-7664 for a free consultation with an Atlanta industrial work injury lawyer.

atlanta industrial accident lawyer

We know how to get results for injured workers

Experience matters – and that’s what sets Harrison Injury Law apart from other attorneys. You deserve a safe place to work and protection from hazards – and when a careless employer cuts corners and you get hurt, we step in.

Our recent successes for our clients include:

  • $1.525 million in a forklift accident
  • $575,000 in an industrial accident
  • $6 million for a traumatic brain injury after an accident

We’re ready to add you to our list of successes – contact us today for a consultation with a labor industry lawyer in Atlanta, GA. Your case will be handled by a skilled attorney – not a paralegal.

Some industries carry a higher accident risk than others, like those involving chemicals and other hazardous materials, flammable materials, or heavy machinery. This is why industrial enterprises are heavily regulated by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

OSHA sets strict regulations about safety gear, best practices to avoid accidents, and what workers should do to prevent getting hurt. Even with these industry-specific regulations in place, though, accidents still happen. When they do, call an Atlanta industrial accident lawyer at Harrison Injury Law so you get the medical care and other compensation you deserve.


Burns from fire, hot equipment, or chemicals cause devastating injuries. Scarring and disfigurement are common; even with skin grafts and surgeries, you may never be physically the same. Burns also have a high infection risk, so recovery can be complicated.

Chemical poisoning

Exposure to toxic chemicals causes injuries from immediate poisoning to long-term chronic medical conditions. Over time, small amounts of dangerous chemical exposure can lead to cancer, chronic respiratory conditions, and heart problems.

Chemical spills

Chemical spills often occur because of negligence or carelessness and cause chemical burns or exposure to dangerously high levels of toxic fumes.

atlanta industrial accident attorney

Equipment malfunctions

Malfunctioning lab equipment, machinery, or heavy construction equipment results in devastating injuries. Crushing damage, involuntary amputations, and caught-between injuries are common when equipment fails. Commercial entities are responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of facility equipment; failure to do so makes them liable for your injuries.


Even controlled explosions can cause trouble; when the explosion is unexpected, anyone in its path can be grievously injured or killed.

Smoke inhalation

Smoke inhalation happens along with explosions, harming more workers than were hurt in the initial explosive incident and leading to permanent lung damage or death.

Georgia personal injury law permits plaintiffs (accident victims) to recover economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages are the calculable costs that come with a “paper trail” of invoices, receipts, and bills. They include expenses like:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Property damage

Non-economic damages, on the other hand, don’t necessarily come with a bill or receipt. They’re more difficult to quantify, but a skilled attorney can work to obtain every penny of the compensation you deserve. Non-economic damages include things like:

  • Mental anguish
  • Pain and suffering
  • Disfigurement

In cases where the industrial property owner or commercial business manager was exceptionally negligent or whose gross oversight created serious danger to workers, an Atlanta judge may assess punitive damages, too.

To win an industrial accident suit, your Atlanta industrial accident lawyer must prove the defendant was negligent. To establish negligence, your attorney must prove four separate things:

  • Duty of care: The industrial company has a responsibility to make sure workers are safe
  • Breach of duty: The defendant failed to fulfill their duty of care towards you
  • Causation: The breach of the duty of care caused the accident or created conditions where the accident was likely to occur
  • Injury: The accident injured you and caused financial losses

An industrial accident lawsuit is the legal means to restore victims to their financial status before the accident. For example, the victim may not have owed thousands of dollars in medical bills or missed days or weeks of pay had the accident not happened.

Your settlement covers this and provides consideration for the losses you cannot put a dollar value on, like pain and suffering.

atlanta industrial work injury lawyer

Your attorney is your advocate in the legal system, representing only your interests – not the company’s, not the property owner, and definitely not the insurance company’s. You can be certain that the defendant and their insurance company will have an entire team of lawyers whose only goal is to deny or minimize the extent of your injuries.

A skilled Atlanta industrial accident lawyer with the resources to take on industrial heavy hitters protects you and ensures you’re not intimidated by the defendant and their insurance company. Harrison Injury Law has the experience, resources, and proven track record of success to achieve the best outcome in your claim.

These cases are complex and require fast action

As soon as an industrial accident happens, the company scrambles to make sure that its conduct or oversight wasn’t the root cause. Evidence could be conveniently lost or safety records enhanced. The faster you talk to an Atlanta industrial work injury lawyer, the quicker they can take action and preserve valuable evidence of your accident.

Litigating a personal injury suit against a corporate defendant is more complex than most personal injury claims. Not every law firm has the resources to build a solid case that could take months or over a year to settle. Harrison Injury Law does.

Harrison Injury Law has experience working with organized labor

Our legal team works closely with labor unions in the greater Atlanta area, representing workers who were unfairly treated or do not have sufficient workers’ comp coverage after suffering a devastating workplace injury. Some of our recent industrial accident victories include:

  • $1.525 million in a forklift collision 
  • $1.20 million  in an industrial accident
  • $6 million for a traumatic brain injury victim

Your attorney can identify third parties who are potentially liable

The commercial facility owner may not be the only defendant in the case. A third party could have contributed to dangerous conditions, such as a mechanic working on the industrial equipment or the manufacturer of chemicals that caused your injury.

We thoroughly investigate your case, identifying all responsible parties and naming them as defendants in the claim.

Workers’ compensation provides quality medical care for employees injured at work and a stipend while they’re out of work recovering. However, benefits only extend to lost wages and medical bills – nothing else, including your pain and suffering, permanent disability, or lifelong disfigurement and compromised physical abilities.

Nor does workers’ comp hold negligent corporations accountable for oversight. Punitive damages awarded in an industrial accident lawsuit serve as both punishments to the negligent company and as a deterrent to other companies tempted to cut similar corners.

Our Atlanta industrial accident attorneys are ready to help

Were you or a loved one injured in an Atlanta industrial accident? The Harrison Injury Law team is here for you. Contact us today at (404) 796-7664 for a free consultation with an Atlanta industrial accident lawyer.

Focused on faster results

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Frequently Asked Questions

Case Results

$40 million
Car crash
$6 million
Traumatic brain injury
$1.5 million
Trucking collision
$1.525 million
Forklift incident
Golf cart rollover
Medical malpractice
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